Thank you for considering to support this ministry!
I’m committed to full-time ministry and have been working part-time in the health and wellness industry to pay my bills; and to pay the ministry costs of website hosting, domain names, email distribution services, podcasting hosting, etc.
My income has dropped dramatically the last few years. If I get a different job, it will pull me away from my assignment, which is to write studies and books, and make videos.
If you want to send money via Zelle, comment below. I won’t publish the comment, I’ll just use your email address to send you my information.
If you want to send money via Venmo, you can send it via my username: David-Nikao
Click here to donate via PayPal. PayPal now only allows people with a PayPal account to donate.
Mail me a check. Make it out to David Wilcoxson and send it to PO Box 1690 Parker, CO 80134
Click here to donate via my GoFundMe fundraiser. I’ve used GoFundMe for years. You can use a credit card and they send the money to me. You can click on the ENTER CUSTOM TIP link and enter $0, so that all of the money is transferred.
I pray that our Heavenly Father blesses you and keeps you. May He make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you!
David Nikao Wilcoxson.
Since you don’t feel the need to work, you don’t deserve free money to eat!
2 Thessalonians 3:9-11. CJB
9 It was not that we hadn’t the right to be supported, but so that we could make ourselves an example to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this command: if someone won’t work, he shouldn’t eat! 11 We hear that some of you are leading a life of idleness — not busy working, just busybodies!
I do however, pray to the Father that He blesses you in Messiah’s name! Amen!
The irony of your comment Ken, is that I work much harder in ministry, than I did in the corporate world.
My life is poured out, carrying out my assignment from the Father.
Thank you for your prayers! Keep learning and growing in The Way!
Ken he just said he work part time and look at all this work he has done in this ministry, I’ve checked a lot of what he has said andddd he’s certainly one of the very few that really knows what he’s talking about… you know how many times I’ve been working at my full time job thinking…I should really not be working, wasting time chasing money, I should be reading lol
KEN, You do err not knowing the scripture. David is anything but idle, he not one that “walks disorderly, or working not at all, or is a busybody.”
The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
Thank you for your comment Dale! I have no idea why Ken thinks that I haven’t been working, given that I’ve published three prophecy books, and have published many videos, audios, websites and summary PDFs which give explanations. And I’m active on Facebook in helping people learn. Keep pressing on for the glory of our King!
Dear David
I am reading your book “The Olivet Discourse Decoded”, which I am finding very helpful in clarifying the subject matter.
I do, however, have one question for you.
You state on the back cover of the book that “Matthew records that the Messiah pointed to “this generation” ten times.”
My question to you is: I cannot find the words “this generation” ten times in Matthew in either the Authorised King James or the New King James as they only appear five times, as follows:
1) Matt 11:16
2) Matt 12:41
3) Matt 12:42
4) Matt 23:36
5) Matt 24:34
In view of the foregoing, please could you point me to the other five times, I would really appreciate it if you could, as I am obviously missing something.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards
Paul (Thomas), UK
Dear Paul, sorry for the confusion. I didn’t mean to imply that the phrase ‘this generation’ was used ten times, but that the context of the ten times that the word ‘generation’ is used in Matthew, is pointing to the generation of Jews who lived during Messiah’s ministry; so when we come to Matthew 24:34, we understand what the phrase ‘this generation’ means.
Read Matthew 3:7, 12:34, 12:39, 12:45, 16:4, 17:17, 23:33
Blessings to you,